Forging knives with home made equipment

Sometimes its hard to define bushcraft. Often people talk about some skills which may be considered “Not bushcraft”. Lets say for instance the use of tents when most people who practice bushcraft use a tarp or sleep in natural shelter. However just because someone sleeps in a tent doesn’t mean they aren’t studying bushcraft. It’s something we have discussed in the club when it came to arguments for and against standardisation and certification of the activity. Thats why many of us prefer to have bushcraft undefined as an activity. Its simply a study of our natural environment and covers so many topics that it probably it should be left that way.

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A weekend of shelter building and cooking

Well we had another great weekend in Cavan. The more I use the area the more I love it. The weather had threatened how much we’d get done but luckily it only rained on the Saturday morning. Still we would be able to do a good bit even with the rain. First task was to get the steak and start to jerky it over the fire. It took most of the day for them to dry but they were great. Smoked and salted, they were much tastier than any I had done in the oven

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Skills practice in Cavan

Hi Guys,

Well we just had a great weekend in Cavan. We headed up on the Friday afternoon to get set up early to have all Saturday to play around. We made good use of the time. We got lots done including a ground oven, chair making, glue making, knife making, tracking and some edible food identification. All together it was a hugely constructive weekend and personally I learned loads.

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Finding a place to call home

Its been a while since I update the thread. Thankfully its not due to inactivity in the club. We got out this weekend to a place called Mount Nugent in Co. Cavan (not Meath as I said before) thanks to a very generous couple who allowed us to use their magnificent woodland. We arrived on the Saturday and set up camp. In total we had 7 on site but only 3 able to stay. There was alot on this weekend (including the match and the bike show) so I wasnt surprised that not many stayed. Our sincere thanks to the landowners and the people who helped me arrange it by getting me in contact with them.

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Island survival challenge

On a recent sailing trip to Collanmore Island I was asked to introduce some bushcraft skills to people doing a sailing course. So I set a basic scenario for them to work with. I told them that they had just had swam from a sinking vessel to the island. They were wet and cold and only 10 minutes to light a fire to prevent hypothermia. They had only 10 dry matches and whatever they had on them at the time. The aim of the exercise was to get people thinking and have fun,rather then trying to teach them a specific lesson.

People gathered all kinds of materials to burn.

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More Bushcraft in Kerry with a Green Beret

Hi Guys,

Just thought id update the thread on how our last meeting went. Last weekend (Sept 20th/21st) we headed down again to Cahersiveen to the IPNA for Aerbhics open weekend. He invited the club members again and some locals to see what he was about in his new school. The school is really taking shape and his courses have already kicked off. This weekend we discussed survival and the four essentials of surviving and some of the rules applied to them

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Bushcraft in Kerry

We had a very successful trip down to Cahersiveen to the IPNA. Aebhric, Anna and Greg were very hospitable and welcomed us with open arms. I personally didnt want to miss a thing so I took the trip after work and 6.30 on Friday just to get down there. Aebhric was good enough to stay up for my arrival. The other two were already set up and by the fire. I ended up setting up in the dark getting eaten my miggies but I guess thats all part of it.

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