We’re just back from the weekend in Castleward, Co. Down. Anthonio had a bushcraft gathering for two days where people could come and discuss bushcraft and also practice some skills. I first went to Anthonios course in 2003 for Primitive living 1, so being back in his yurt brought back memories

The weekend was mostly a meet and greet with people form different ends of the country. Some people knew Anthonio through previous courses and others found out through the Web. There was an interesting bunch down there and the conversation constant in out of the rain on Saturday

As a group exercise, Anthonio challenged us to try and make a giant sized bow drill set. It was a good experience and made us think about the basic principles of the set. It was also a good ice breaker

Here myself and Liam discuss the rhythm and how best to start

Unfortunately all we got from the set was alot of smoke but had a good laugh in the effort. On the Saturday evening, Anthonio proposed we do a sweat lodge. It was an interesting experience running half naked in the forest, in the rain to the lodge. Only four of us braved it and we all had a good laugh. In the sweat lodge itself, it was a world onto itself and I think everyone should try it at least once

We got to see some of the crafts made by Anthonio and take a look around the fabulous estate of Castleward. Many thanks to Anthonio for the weekend, it was good to meet up and work with him again